The Game

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Free to Play

The “Go Goals!” board game is distributed for free. It cannot be sold.


You may reproduce and/or translate in whole or in part, without prior permission, provided that this disclaimer, all credits and copyrights, remain visible.

Design Elements

The drawings by YAK included in this board game are protected by copyright and cannot be altered or reproduced separately from the game.


All rights reserved.

The Sustainable Development Goals board game, entitled “GoGoals!”, was created and designed in a partnership between the artist Yacine Ait Kaci (YAK) creator of Elyx and the United Nations Regional information Centre (UNRIC). 

The “GoGoals!” board game may be reproduced and/or translated in whole or in part, without prior permission, provided it is distributed at no cost (free distribution) and that this disclaimer, copyrights and all credits remain visible.

The drawings by YAK included in this board game are protected by copyright and cannot be used/reproduced separately from the game.

For all questions and suggestions concerning the game, please contact us at [email protected].